
BTOP provides North American university courses; all classes are accredited by North American universities. Courses are designed to be 45-75 hours long. Courses offered in economics, business, humanities, history, and other social studies subjects. All classes are taught in English. Course durations are four to five weeks long and include both lectures and seminars.


Prior to starting a course, students can modify their course selections. After a course has begun, please contact student advisors for course changes or withdrawal. In the first week of the course, students may contact student advisors to withdraw, change, or add courses. Student advisors will submit student applications for changes to the host university. The application will be reviewed, and courses will be adjusted accordingly.


All courses are in flexible formats with respective assignments and exams. Professors will tailor their curriculums according to course requirements.


In order to improve instruction quality, ensure professors complete course goals on time, and maintain fair grading, host universities have set up committees, composed of professors from the host university and international programs that are responsible for supervising course and credit quality.


Once the course has been completed, the host university will issue a transcript. Transcripts will be sent directly by mail to the Registrar’s Office of the university the student is enrolled in. Delivery time is estimated to be two to three weeks. Students should provide an accurate transcript email or mailing address to student advisors.